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JC8004 is a 3.5 digits count-down/up timer digits biplexed LCD and alarm piezoelectric buzzer. with watch CMOS LSI circuit. The maximum count-down time It can directly drive a 3.5 is 20 hours and count- cycle time is 20 hours, but LCD normally displays a seconds. maximum period of count-up time 19 minuets and JC8004 can be widely applied as a parking timer, an alarm timer, a pill box timer, a kitchen timer, a sports timer, etc. FUNCTION .3.5 digits LCD display count-down/up timer with watch function. .Watch time display in count-down/up timer mode. .Maximum count-down time 20 hours with the accuracy of 1 second. .5 minutes /10 minutes pre-alarm before count- down to zero. .Buzzer output and DC output. "BUSY" output keeps high during timer counting. .Auto recycle or manual re-set the count-down timer by 00P" option. When "OP" floated, it will auto recycle; when "OP" connected to Vdd, it will have to be manual re-set. .Hours and minutes set independently Fast setting hour or minute by depressing key S1 or S2 continuously for 2 seconds .20 minutes count-up cycle time with maximum count-up time 20 hours .Timer reset when two keys S1&S2 depressed simultaneously FEATURES .Single 1.5V battery operation .32768Hz quartz crystal oscillator .3.5 digits LCD display .An internal voltage doubter .LCD test and alarm sound test .Fast testing mode for production .CMOS structure and low power consumption 上一个:JC4021 下一个:JC0084B熊猫万年历IC |